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Deutsch: www. tab. fzk. de/de/projekt/ Englisch: www. tab. fzk. de/en/projekt/ Bevor wir anfangen, über Offshore - Broker zu sprechen, Es gibt tatsächlich mehrere offiziell geregelte Binäroptionen, die durch den Austausch in den USA betrieben werden. Sie wurden 2007/2008 von der Options Clearing Corporation und der Securities and Exchange Commission genehmigt. Diese gesetzlich geregelten Webseiten beinhalten die American Stock Exchange Amex, den Norden American Derivatives Exchange Nadex, und die Chicago Board Optionen Exchange CBOE So, dass rechts dort klärt sich die schlammige Frage, ob der Handel binäre Optionen ist legal in den USA überhaupt Es ist. 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Ihr BancDeBinary wurde im Juni desselben Jahres von der CFT verklagt C für die Beantragung von US-Kunden Andere lange Zeit Starke Vermittler, gestoppt Akzeptieren US-Verkehr im Juni 2013 Dann nicht zu viel später eine unserer Langzeit-Favoriten auch verlassen, TradeRush. Warum so viele Makler verweigern, ihre Dienste an Kunden anbieten, die in der USA, wenn der Handel von binären Optionen für USA-Händler legal ist Der Grund hat mit einer spezifischen CFTC-Aussage über Rohstoffoptionen zu tun Die Formulierung ist ein wenig verwirrend, und einige Broker bevorzugen es, klar zu lenken, damit sie keinen Fehler machen und die CFTC stören. Es ist gegen das Gesetz, um US-Personen zu erwerben und zu verkaufen Rohstoff-Optionen, auch wenn sie als Vorhersage-Verträge genannt werden, es sei denn, sie sind zum Handel aufgeführt und gehandelt auf einer CFTC-registrierten Börse oder wenn gesetzlich nicht befreit. Was können Sie sammeln aus diesem Grundsätzlich , Ein Unternehmen offshore oder anderweitig muss entweder bei der CFTC registriert werden oder diese Firma darf Ihnen nicht erlauben, Rohstoffoptionen mit anderen Worten, Währungen und Rohstoffe zu handeln. Deshalb werden Sie feststellen, dass die Mehrheit der Offshore-Broker, die USA-Kunden akzeptieren, nur wird Erlauben Ihnen, Aktien und Indizes zu handeln denken. TradeRush und ein paar andere Broker sind die wenigen, die wir derzeit auf unserer Website empfehlen, die nicht akzeptieren, USA-Kunden Diese Unternehmen sprechen bereits mit der CFTC über die Registrierung, und sobald diese Gespräche Schlussfolgerung, es gibt eine gute Chance, dass wir diese Liste auch hinzufügen können. 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Die erste wichtige Tatsache zu teilen ist, dass BigOption einen großen Ruf für sich selbst geschaffen hat, seit wir den ersten Vers geschrieben haben Ion dieser Rezension Sie sind jetzt ganz groß, wenn es darum geht, Leute zu betrügen Mehrere Behörden haben Warnungen auf diesen Broker ausgestellt und die Beschwerden von Händlern weltweit sind aufeinandergefallen. Ich würde meine Forschung hier beenden, aber mein Bauchgefühl sagte noch einmal Suche, lass s sehen, ob es mehr Schmutz zu graben Gute Sache, die ich tat Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Big Markets Mu Limited, die besitzt und betreibt BigOption auf Sie finden heraus, dass der Status des Unternehmens ist aktiver Vorschlag zu schlagen weg Was bedeutet das Ich zitiere, wenn es Status Active Proposal zu schlagen, könnte dies als ein potenzielles Heads-up für alle, die mit der Gesellschaft, wo die Zahlung erwartet wird, um zu handeln, wie es zeigt, dass die Gesellschaft kann nicht beibehalten auch die grundlegenden Aufgaben wie , Die Einreichung der jährlichen Rückkehr Die Frage wäre, wie zuverlässig wird die Gesellschaft mit sofortiger Zahlung von Rechnungen Quelle. Update 2017 Die Gesellschaft ist unter neuer Besitz von Wirestech Limited für mehr als ein Jahr, aber die Beschwerden remai N ähnlich wie früher. Mit anderen Worten, nehmen Sie Ihr Geld und laufen so schnell wie Sie können Aber das s nicht alle weiter informiert, dass das Unternehmen hat ihre eingetragene Adresse Adresse ein paar Mal geändert Wahrscheinlich, weil sie betrügen Menschen Denken Sie daran, die Adressen sind nur Virtuelle Büros so ist es einfach, einfach nur für eine neue Adresse zu bezahlen Finden Sie mehr unter Ist BigOption ein Scam rechts unten. Die Website wird in organisierten Abschnitten verwaltet und das Bildungszentrum sieht vielversprechend Ich mag die verschiedenen VIP Vergünstigungen, die Sie je nach Ihrer Einzahlung wählen können Größe Sie bieten Live-Chat und ihre Unterstützung war nicht aufdringlich und beantwortete meine Fragen Allerdings hat die Unterstützung versucht, meine Frage über die Regulierung ausweichen, indem sie sagen, die Plattform ist geregelt, die nicht die gleiche Sache wie die Firma selbst geregelt ist Etwas ein Neuling nicht Betrachte Also, BigOption ist nicht reguliert und ich rät normalerweise gegen den Handel mit unregulierten Brokern. Besonders wenn es starke Ansprüche an betrügerische Aktivitäten über sie gibt E-Plattform wird von SpotOption angetrieben, aber etwas von BigOption angepasst Die Farben werden geändert und ein paar neue Features hinzugefügt, wie die Profollow Für VIP-Clients sind Autotrader verfügbar, aber ich würde nicht meine Hoffnungen zu hoch über ihre Leistungen riskieren Trades können für Kontoinhaber mit Einlagen von 1001 und über BigOption bietet islamische Konten und Geldpreise zu. BigOption bietet eine neue Funktion namens der Strategie-Berater Sie wählen ein Asset und wählen Sie dann unter 3 verschiedenen Indikatoren zu analysieren Ihr Asset automatisch RSI, Moving Durchschnitt und Bollinger Bands sind die verfügbaren Berater Sobald du auf einen Berater klickst, startet ein 9-Sekunden-Countdown, wo die Ergebnisse berechnet werden. Deine Antwort wird entweder Call oder Put Du kannst dann weitergehen, indem du auf die anderen Berater klickst, wenn du weitere Bestätigung wünschst 3 kommen zu dem gleichen Schluss das Signal ist stärker Ich habe diese Funktion für EUR USD getestet und es war ziemlich genau Leider ist es Doe S nicht geben, welche Einstellungen für jeden Indikator verwendet werden und welche Verfall Sie abholen Kürzlich hat der Broker einen Auto Trading Bot to Gold Kontoinhaber Nach dem Lesen negativer Kommentare zu verschiedenen Foren, empfehle ich Sie bleiben weg von dieser Funktion, wie es gesagt wird Zu wischen Konten. Folge, nach dem Lesen einige Bewertungen und Beschwerden würde ich vorschlagen, dass Sie diesen Makler zu vermeiden Die Vergünstigungen und Features sind spannend und neu aber sieht kann täuschen. Update 2017 Seien Sie gewarnt in Bezug auf alle ihre Angebote Autotrader, Signale und Account Manager Diejenigen Sind alle in einem Interessenkonflikt mit Ihnen und wird in keiner Weise erhöhen Sie Ihre Rentabilität In der Tat werden diese Angebote verwendet, um Sie einzahlen mehr. BigOption Beschwerden. Es gab einige Beschwerden über BigOption nicht bezahlen oder versuchen zu vermeiden, ihre Kunden zu bezahlen BigOption wurde angeklagt, Ausreden zu machen und Verzögerungen zurückzuziehen oder Leute zu überzeugen, um den Handel zu halten. In mindestens ein paar Fällen haben einige Kunden ihren Account Manager geholt D ohne ihr Wissen wischte ihr Konto ab, weil sie ihre Gewinne zurückziehen wollten. Später konnten sie nicht mehr mehr auf ihre Konten zugreifen. Das sind einige ernsthafte Behauptungen, und da der Makler nicht geregelt ist, gibt es nicht viel, was man dagegen tun kann. Auf der anderen Seite einige Beschwerden waren auf Kunden, die nicht vollständig lesen die Bedingungen Bedingungen des Dienstes Versuchen Sie, geben BigOption Betrug, Betrug, Beschwerde, und darauf hingewiesen werden Sie gehen, um einige hässliche Dinge zu sehen Ein Client hatte Probleme mit immer Teile seiner Mittel zurück wegen Überbeanspruchung der Stornierungsmerkmal Aber die Bedingungen und Konditionen geben eindeutig an, was als Missbrauch dieses Merkmals angesehen wird, so dass wir Tatsächlich wirklich beschuldigen können BigOption Update 2017 Die aktuellsten Kommentare und Beschwerden teilen sich die gleichen Geschichten wie vorher. Es gibt jedoch weniger Beschwerden wie zu spät, aber wieder Der Firmenverkehr wurde für einen Zeitraum von wenigen Monaten stark reduziert, was sich daraus erklären kann. Kundenbeschwerden finden Sie hier. Weitere Beschwerden finden Sie weiter unten Diese Seite in der Kommentar-Sektion von eigenen Lesern. BigOption Regulatory Ankündigungen und Warnungen 08 07 2016 Der BCSC in Kanada warnt vor Wirestech LTD Source.29 06 2016 OSC in Kanada warnt vor Investitionen mit Wirestech LTD Source.21 08 2015 Red von CFTC gelistet In den USA wegen fehlender Registrierung bei der Kommission Quelle.11 06 2015 Anguilla-Regulierungsbehörde FSC warnt vor BigOption und ihren ehemaligen Besitzern Big Markets Ltd Quelle. Warnung BigOption wurde von vielen lokalen und internationalen Regulierungsbehörden aufgeführt Wir empfehlen, diesen Broker zu vermeiden und Starten Sie den Handel mit einem Trusted Broker. BigOption Bonuses. Bonus unterscheiden sich in der Größe abhängig von Ihrem Account-Typ, aber sind im Bereich von 20-100 Sie müssen ein Volumen von 30x pro 1 Bonus, die gut ist im Vergleich zu den durchschnittlichen Wette Update 2017 To Den Bonus zurückzuziehen, musst du jetzt 60 Mal für jeden Bonus-Dollar machen, den du akzeptiert hast. Du kannst dir keine Eigenmittel zurückziehen, sobald der Bonus akzeptiert wird, den wir für völlig aussprechen lassen S. BigOption Abhebungen. Der Mindestbetrag für den Rücktritt per Überweisung ist 250, aber es s 100 über andere Methoden Andere verfügbare Methoden sind E-Wallet, Netteller, Union zahlen, Cashu und CC Abhebungen werden zwischen 3 bis 7 Werktagen verarbeitet Vor der Anfrage a Rücktritt Sie müssen die erforderlichen Unterlagen zur Genehmigung einreichen. Update 2017 Abhebungen werden 50 für Kabel, 25 für Kreditkarten plus 10 in Bearbeitungsgebühren, 25 für E-Zahlungen und zusätzlich eine 10 Gebühr für jedes Konto, das nicht hat, Hingerichtet mehr als 200 im Umsatz. Bigoption Ratings. User Freundlichkeit 17 20.Die Plattform ist benutzerfreundlich und gut organisiert Es gibt viele Tutorials, Führer und ein großes Bildungszentrum Die Handelsplattform ist SpotOption, die einfach zu bedienen ist Nur in Englisch verfügbar. Die Anzahl der Vermögenswerte ist recht hoch, sie besteht aus 102 Aktien, 30 Währungen, 9 Rohstoffen und 42 Indizes, die bis zu insgesamt 183 Vermögenswerte, die als wirklich abgeschlossen gelten, ausgegeben werden. Die Ablaufzeiten sind der typische SpotO Ption Ablauf, alle 15 Minuten Sie können auch kurzfristig handeln, langfristig wöchentlich, monatlich bis zu einem Jahr und pairsmissions, Support und effektive Rückkehr 9 20.Es gibt keine Provisionen Sie haben Zugang zu Live-Support direkt auf der Website, Unterstützung war hübsch Schnell zu beantworten, aber nicht sehr höflich Die höchste Rendite ist 85, was in der Branche ganz normal ist, der Durchschnitt liegt bei rund 80 Nichts Neues unter der Sonne. Abgabe, Bezahlung und Bonus 13 20.Minimum Einzahlungs - und Auszahlungsbetrag beträgt 250 Stück und 100 CC Boni variieren von Konto zu Konto und gehen bis zu 100 Höhere Prämien sind für VIP-Mitglieder verfügbar. Rücktritt ist über verschiedene Methoden verfügbar, jedoch können Sie nur Ihre Anfangsinvestition über die gleiche Einzahlungsmethode zurückziehen. Rest der Gewinne werden per Überweisung gehandhabt Sagen wir didn t sagen, dass Sie abgezogen werden 50 für die Überweisung, die wirklich hoch ist und 25 für CC, auch hohe Konten, die keinen Umsatz mehr als 200 ausgeführt haben und nicht überprüft werden, wird auch berechnet 10 des Rückzugsbetrags, der eine verrückte Regel ist, scheinen viele Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Kunden daran zu hindern, Abhebungen zu machen, ein großer Minus für diesen einen Update 2017 Seien Sie auf dem Hinweis, dass Sie sich nicht zurückziehen können, nachdem Sie einen Bonus akzeptiert haben 60x der Bonusvolumenumsatz, der erforderlich ist a rule that nowadays only unregulated and or scam brokers apply. Some features are roll over, cancel feature but only up to 20 of total trades taken, Profollow and Auto Trading Bot said to be no good, for VIP members Oh and what about the account managers It should have been a extra, but instead, when we hear that account managers whipping out client s account intentionally, the only thing we can do is Grade 0.BigOption Overall Ratings 57 100.Notice This broker is rated badly among our members and staff Start your trading career with a Top Rated Broker Now.70 Responses to BigOption. Richard B Clarke. I invested in Big Option UK and the trader, David Elias turned out to be a con artist What he promised to put trades on w ere not the trades he executed I must add he never would sent emails to me on his promises When I put in a second with drawl it was ignored and he traded away my loaned from overdraft account investment When I tried to prove my complaint to retrieve my funds, I was ignored by customer support and I even made an attempt to go over his head Someone was to call but never did Disgusting way to treat the poor Their traders don t seem to display trust or integrity, which I believe is most important Beware of Big Option. Hi Richard seems you have had a very bad experience there I had some similar issue with another online trading platform but I have traded on BigOption and finally found them very reliable as broker They have nice features, bonuses and payout interesting indeed Did you connected to their live help I always ask them question by this feature. How long are you trading with them. Please beware and if possible avoid trading with bigoption because they acct manager will asked you to in creased your capital from 250 min to 2,500 for 100 bonus with condition he she will play the option for you In the first week they will make sure you gains and following week they will start to do a silly mistake on trade and on purpose After capital and bonus balance reduce they will call you to top up If you can t top up acct manager will show their true colors by either make your losses bigger or play long option future in 3-4 months time so you can t take out your money and it will stuck in it bigoption and all their staff already trained to manipulate, con customers, lied bs with manners and for affiliate don t expect to get paid coz they will directly called customers during form submission for forex robot to avoid paying affiliate My account manager name mia thomas. It s your Money, if you don t want to invest more, it s your choice man I had similar issues, the account manager-shoan wise called me almost everyday but I stood adamant and invest wisely I prefer to invest more on P airs and i had more control over my investment. This is just an update on the Broker BigOption I asked for my first withdraw from BigOption in the amount of 2 500 00 on Friday afternoon August 21 2015 and on Monday my account manager William Russell took my entire account of 14,000 and placed all of it on trades on the same day wiping out my account all losing trades He did this knowing I had requested a withdraw This way there would be no funds left in the account to withdraw I believe they are a scam organization and at the least unprofessional What kind of Money Management is this How can they defend themselves Of course he will not return my calls or emails It is very suspicious that when I asked for a withdraw of some of my funds the next day all my money from my account was placed in losing trades I believe that if this organization was investigated they would find several Account managers involved with wiping out client accounts for profit I cannot prove they are corrupt this wou ld be a job for the police, but you have to admit this is dam suspicious and I am not the first to voice these concerns Please be warned of Big Option. I am glad to be trading on this site for 6 months already and I find the percentage payout fair They have a good customer support service always with professionalism and courteous However, I checked before I joined and it has provided me with lots of important key information prior opening my membership with BigOption. Been a while I have invested at BigOption and I have enjoyed trading with them Seems you have not been lucky but I have no issues at all there. Since first depositing to Big Option, I accepted more than one bonus, because I made more than one deposit, the first one being 300 for 1,000 deposit which required a trading volume of 9,000 for the 300 to be considered mine There were a few other deposits made, qualifying for a total of 2,800 in bonuses, because my trading was successful, but aggressive, so I thought I would need th e cushion I never went below the amount I personally had deposited, therefore, not delving into the bonus amounts When I requested a withdrawal, they told me they would take the bonuses back, which I was okay with, but then I remembered the 9,000 trading volume to keep the first 300, which I achieved easily When I chatted with my account manager about this, she said I did not do this without going into the bonus money, and that I used the bonus to achieve the balance I had, which was an out and out lie I have since lost my entire balance due to market volatility with the Greece issue, and will never trade with them ever again. DO NOT TRADE WITH BIGOPTION - MANY BAD REVIEWS ONLINE - UNREGULATED-USING ROGUE AGGRESSIVE AGENTS The above statement is based on my experience - please see below On 16 5 2015 I signed up with BigOption ACC 335375 which is registered a trading business registered by a company called BIG MARKETS MU LTD located in the UK England. On 18 5 2015 I deposited 250 US 530.On 1 9 5 2015 I requested the withdrawal of my funds after reading some bad reviews and practises by BigOption. Please see the following links. On 19 5 2015 I received an acknowledgement of my withdrawal request and was told that I required to speak to someone before the withdrawal could be authorised On 20 5 2015 I received a call from Jerry Gallo who talked me into placing 9 trades valued at US 250, luckily 8 trades were successful and I was in credit of approximately 229 Despite this, I requested a withdrawal of the remaining funds who stated that he required my PASSWORD in order to proceed with the withdrawal He stated that I could only withdraw a minimum of 200 US and the withdrawal would take 48 hours to process On 22 5 2015 48hrs had passed and I had not received my withdrawal of 200 US I checked the Bigoption platform and to my disbelief there was a trade placed for 200 on 20 5 2015 45 mins after I had spoken to Jerry The trade was a loss and therefore wiped my account to just 25 cent s. Bigoption require an authorisation form for their agents to place trades of behalf of their clients - I did not authorised this nor did I authorise for Jerry to do so. On 23 5 2015 I requested Bigoption to investigate this matter and filed a complaint 26 5 2015 I received an email from Bigoption indicating that they had investigated the matter and I have done the needful, the needful will be done to compensate you Despite this email on the 26 5 2015 stating that I would be compensated, I never receive the 200US from bigoption On 3 or 4 occasions I was advised that the matter was still been investigated and on 2 different occasions stating that I will not be able to withdraw my funds I have 25 left on my account It was illogical and unimaginable for me to have requested a 200 withdrawal one minute and then risk it all by placing one single trade for 200 19 6 2015 last contact from Bigoption indicating that the matter was still been investigated I contacted my Visa merchant who conducted an investigation into the matter - and thankfully was credited the 200 back into my account I would STRONGLY advise on anybody trading or risking their money with BIGOPTION - there are many many bad reviews and stories about their practises and fraudulent staff - Specially Jerry Gallo I once had one of their staff Eric Martin tell me that Bigoption would simply pay-off the company s should I leave reviews on the internet Id like to say to Eric Martin - im sure the 12 reviews I have left regarding my experience about bigoption will cost your employer more than 200 Im just thankful I did my research and stopped my self from giving any more money to this pathetic excuse for a company. i have a similar experience where as i spoke to one of their broker he collected all my information on my credit card i paid the minimum but he was not satisfied he then withdrew an additional amount he traded the money then vanished all his information that he gave me doesn t exist, try to withdraw the remaining balance but was blocked from the customer representative was uncooperative and rude. BIG option is a BIG JOKE Every phonecall they want you to invest more by persuede you to invest in secure trades, but when you invest and the trade goes well, suddenly they wipe out your account in a few days I was away on holiday, when I started I had 25 000, when I got home I had 1 euro left Nobody answers, nobdoy takes responsability and how they can sleep at night, I just wonder don t let you be fooled by brikers and don t let them trade for you No limit. Always be prepared to step out of your comfort zone But also educate yourself thoroughly when it comes to Binary Options Truth is not just BigOption that is being seen as a scam but many other platforms The question is how much do you really know about the platform and the T C s. As a Financial Risk Advisor, with experience in both Forex and Binary Options and I would suggest that before you invest with a trading platform, learn more about them and make use of the educational materials that is at your disposition. I just spoke to one of the acCT manager and she withdraw 250 dollars from my credit card I want to know are they still able to withdraw money from my credit card anytime Or do I need to block my card. I have seen many bad reviews for a list of brokers and most of the reviews are the same I m currently happy where I am trading And these two binary options platform are offering me a good service I am loosing trades but I m conducting my personal research at the same time. Glade to hear your satisfaction What are the two Binary Options platform that you re trading with Brian. hey Aftab, it s BigOption and 24 Options. Duke they cannot invest without your permission or consent It s the rules to any type of trades for any brokers You should check if your trades are not automated Or if you are using software then I would suggest to use the web platform straight and do your trades yourself. Hi everyone, I wanted to share my experienc e with you I started trading with BigOption since January I did not know anything about binary options trading platform I used the trading academy BigOption offers and I learned many useful tips and information I started to trade using the Speed Option tool and I found it very simple to understand After a few months, my account balance was about 20000 I ask for a withdrawal and after 2 weeks, I checked my bank account and my transfer was still not there I started to worry and called my account manager he explained that I was not fully compliant and that is was delaying the transfer process I sent him all the missing documents and after a week I finally got my money I found many bigoption bad reviews over the internet and I personally think that this binary firm does not deserve such bad treatments I hope that my experience will help you. After having invested my money on several online trading platform I can certify that BigOption has been my less disappointing experience My account man ager has always been attentive to my needs and expectations I have read that most of you have experienced losses but you must bear in mind that it is part of the game When you decide to invest your money you should consider all the eventual scenarios even the losing ones Till now, BigOption has not break its promises and I will continue to trade on this platform despite the bigoption bad reviews. How long does your transactions been make. BigOption has helped me to strengthen my knowledge about online trading I have invested my money on this platform since May and I did not have any reproaches to formulate till now I always had someone who answered my emails and phone calls and I must add that I found their customer support very exceptional. Dear Sir, I have been conned Big Time by BigOption I opened an account through a broker with 30000 yes 30000 which was supposed to be invested in long term retirement fund Without any written agreement for the account and the account not verified the broker traded on sixty-second trades and binary options She took bonuses to the tune of 83000 none of this with my permission She failed to answer my calls The compliance department blocked the account only when the broker S L had left about 1285 25 in my account She had been allowed to trade for nearly 3 months when the account was not verified without my agreement I had no support from their support department The support department said she had the authority even thought there was no written agreement to that effect I had a previous account which the broker had authority but she even ignored the instructions of trading using only 7 5 maximum of my account balance She convinced me to open a second account solely as a corporate retirement but she had no agreement to trade or any agreement to take bonuses. I did not give her details of the account she gave me the account The support department said she had every right to trade even though the account had not been verified. I thought they were regulated obviously I did not do my homework Please WARN other vulnerable people about this trader as I have lost most of my pension. Good morning everyone I would like to share my experience with you concerning online trading I was very skeptical with this way of making money because there are a lot of parameters to consider while speaking of money Before engaging in such trades I made thorough research on several trading platforms I discovered with astonishment that there were a lot of frauds in this kind of trading, but the frauds was mainly perpetuated by trading platforms I was still not convinced to invest my money in this form of trading However I decided to give it a shot I decided to invest the minimum amount of money required and see what happen Choosing a service provider was not easy as there was a huge amount of bad reviews concerning different platforms Therefore I decided to open an account with the platform I feel more comfortable in terms of interface This is how I stumbled upon BigOption. I opened a Micro account at first investing only 250 Then a representative of BigOption called me and present himself as my attributed personal account manager I seize the opportunity to ask him a lot of question in order to evaluate his honesty and his advice He seemed to be genuine and advised me to make good use of the Educational tools available on the website since I was a novice After 2 weeks of trading, I lost a few trades and won a few and I still had mixed feeling concerning trading online However my capital edged up to 500 I received a second call from my account manager and he informed me about my progress He told me that if I want to earn bigger I should inject some more capital in my account and this is what I did At no point I was forced or threatened to do so, I just feel like doing it He also proposed to place some trades for me At that time I was starting to trust him so I accepted but I issued the condition that I want to be notified any time a trade is placed, he nodded and this is how I discovered a new facet of binary options trading. After one week my 1000 account was now displaying 2500 Of course there was some losing trades and I did not hold it against him, after all he is human too Personally I think that everyone is the master of his own destiny That s why I decided to share what happened to me Mr Robert I don t understand your bigoption complaints because even if your account manager has suggested that you invest more money, she did not force you to In the end it was your own decision and I think that instead of diminishing the standing of BigOption you should ask yourself why you decided to take such bad decisions concerning your pension. I know the value of money and I know how difficult it is to earn it I was looking for ways to earn more money and this brought me to the BigOption platform While doing my research I found many bigoption reviews, but it did not help me to decide whether I was going to invest my mo ney in this website or not However what I ve retained on the various blogs I visited is that this broker has a very helpful customer service and good educational tools So after much reflection I have decided to give them a chance anyway I will try to keep you guys updated of my experience. From my personal experience, I think Big option is a Scam Few days ago, I opened an account with big option with 250usd and I requested for their auto trading robot Surprisingly, the robot placed wrong trades and all my investments were gone in few days Immediately after this, I received a call from an account manager from big option promising me some risk-free trade and 86 ROI, if only I can deposit additional 800usd and foolishly I did I requested them to deactivate the trading robot but it was not deactivated until after few days Unfortunately, within the few periods the robot traded, all my investments were all gone too Prior to this time I made effort to make withdrawal, but big option kept cance ling my withdrawal request for no reason In spite all these, the account manager kept on calling for more deposit so that I can recover from my losses To be sincere, I would Never recommend this broker to anyone I am totally in a financial mess right now I doubt if anyone has really withdrawn from big option platform recently. I agreed verbally to update my existing account to a platinum account with BigOption which requires a sum of 10000 However after reading comments and reviews has on this forum I decided not to go ahead and replied by email to this effect I have now found that the 10000 as already been taken off my credit card without my complying in any way by signing to the new agreement or signing any deposit form on my card account which would confirm my agreement to the initial verbal undertaking The credit card fraud office claims they used the same approval that was used when opening my original account I have now been advised to contact the retailers association UK who I be lieve have the final jurisdiction on this I hope to do this today. If bigoption scam was true all the traders using this platform would have closed their account leaving this broker on the straw It did not happen yet so I think that it is legit In addition I have my money invested there so if it was a scam I think that I would have noticed since the time I started trading there. Astrid I have been trading no problem for three months Then I submitted a withdrawal request That is when the trouble started My account manager is on holidays Someone else rang me to be my new account manager I emailed him back and asked about my original account manager Then received a call from Peter Thompson on 21 4 16 If I go ahead with my withdrawal amount approx 50 of my account, their finance department will take the 5000 bonus He can get me 1000 withdrawal now and another 1000 each month and not affect the bonus I agreed and we also discussed my trading requirements and not to trade more the two or three trades at a time and stop and have a rest if more than two consecutive losses I am still waiting for the 1000 withdrawal, and I logged into my account and saw it was approved to be paid I also changed my password on my account as I was a bit concerned that my original account manager Mike Nichols did not seem to be around Now, three hours ago on 28 4 16 someone has traded 23 trades and built account up to 39000 USD in around 30 minutes Then in the next 30 minutes placed another 16 trades all losses and lost 31500 USD I now also find I cannot log into my account as username or password is incorrect It would appear all is OK until you want to make a small withdrawal. According to my own experience, some big option broker reviews are not legit They fail to highlight the benefits that opening an account on this platform generate for the traders My wife and I have an account with this broker and so far we haven t witness any fraudulent behaviors So stop wondering if big option is true becau se obviously its not I think that it is a reliable platform to trade on. I opened a Micro Account on BigOption platform some months ago and I started to trade When I first invested my money there my account manager was always calling me to check if I was satisfied with my account or if I need additional information Then after the first month of trading I decided to have more challenges so I invested 1000 more A fee days after, my account manager stopped calling, I found it very weird and I tried to call her but she never replied I started to think that big option scam was legit I did not know what to do so I stopped trading for a while Then after a month I received a call It was her, she apologized and explained to me that she went on a maternity leave I felt really stupid and I started trading again. I wrote this comment for traders complaining about their account managers on the several bigoption reviews I ve read Account managers are humain beings like you and me So if sometimes they don t take your call the reason behind has nothing to do with the reliability of the broker. I don t like to lose, and certainly not being scammed Although I did some investigation and my conclusion was not clear as to whether is BigOption a scam or not But while researching, I came across this broker reviews that have quite a high reputation in the Binary Options industry Trust me, they know what they are talking when they release a review Reading it was quite an eye-opener for me and it pushed me to further research this broker. Eventually, I ended up opening an account with BigOption and started trading I already had a knowledge of Forex, so Binary Options wasn t going to be that hard to master I used the trading tools available, mainly the profollow options and within 2 months of trading and a success rate of 62 8 , I cashed out 10,800 Rands which is about 800 I was satisfied with the gain and continued to trade I could have won more but some misunderstanding between my trading strat egies and the one of my account manager made me lost some Rands but it s not much of a problem. Having a success rate of above 50 averaging more than 80 trades is very good with a trading platform I know that my bigoption review might not be that helpful but the message I want to share is to go the extra mile and do your own homework, your own research to become successful. Can I invest in big option. This broker offers services for both beginners and expert traders They offer a well structured e-book to all registered users at no cost, market reviews and trading tools It really feels like they put a lot of work into that and I m happy to see a broker who is not lazy and actually offers useful educational material. You might come across various big option scam reviews on different websites but do not be influence by these I have no reasons to believe that this Binary Options broker is a scam, as you can easily locate them and they are one of the most reliable broker, as voted in 2014 Howev er, BigOption must improve their regulation to become a more trustworthy broker among others. Invested in Big Option When i was discussing the amount of the money I should put into the Big Option account, every time I said one amount that money has been taken from my credit card E g if i was dicussing 300 or 500, but it was 800 have been taken from my credit card And in one time 250 have been taken from my credit card without my knowledge or authorisation So called the bank and cancelled the card and disputed the money back Released all the bonuses I couldn t have withdrawn all my money in one go as they have cancelled the withdraw after I applied So getting my money as instalments with they charge 30 for every 500 Too much but better than nothing I guess So there are ways My other card was under fraud, they may be the company who sell my identity Please don t invest there They are trying to make things look like not scam but there are things you need to be very careful Don t trust the account managers I made more money than he told me to. I wanted to join but am afraid based on initial comments. I like Toby s and H Tan s reviews To be honest, not all the account managers at BigOption knows what they are talking about Some will even lead you to perform bad trades The one thing about this broker which I really appreciate is that they cater for everyone Whether or not you know how to trade Binary Options, they have an academy where you can absolutely everything So, Augustine, if you want to trade with them, I would say go ahead, I do too, but make your own research and make full use of their educational Academy You will learn a lot from it. I signed up a few hours ago and have changed my mind since Can I get my 250 back. I was contacted on the 2nd March joined on the same day but nothing happened until the 7th March 2016 There was very bad communication and the broker was very rude Hence, I wrote and asked for my monies to be returned immediately and the account closed I g ot a message from support informing me that they have received my request and were dealing with it I have since tried to get my monies returned but to no avail, They are just using my monies to trade without my permission I do not even have an Expert Trader but they wrote to say that only the expert trader can authorised the release of the funds I tried using the withdrawal section but even this does not work I do not know what sort of scam they are dealing with but I am very concern about this I am still unable to get my funds returned It is totally disgusting, How can they win an award for excellence when they can run such a shady business. I m sorry to hear that but I have been investing at bigoption since 2 years and I find them as a reliable platform to trade I have not yet lost but I see its sort of an analytical skills that one needs to have to complete successful trades. All these things mentioned in the above comments has happened to me I was instructed by John Loris to do a tra de and in order to be part of that trade I needed to give a certain amount Numerous Time I was informed that I was trading with insurance I even have it in writting that whatever happens with this trade good or bad my trade money was save Needless to say I lost every dollar I place with BIGOPTION I tried to withdraw the little that was left in my account they came back and said they are cancelling my withdraw request due to the fact that I have not yet made enough profit When I started to complain and try and find out okay I have lost but where is the insurance I ignored and then I was informed that John is no longer with the company as he has made bad trades, I was given a new account manager, Collin Sharpio he then asked for 1000 USD again I STUPIDLY gave 500 USD only but again That s was all invested in several different long term trades with 90 was loss trade and the one trade that won the money was invested again in a trade that turned out to be a loss Since then I have had more ph one calls from Collin and he said that not all the money I invested was mine as they gave me a bonus of this amount and that amount so I will not be getting any money that was supposed to have been covered by Insurance back But If I give him more money he might be able to get another bonus from is manager and we can together try and make up my losses He then disappeared and just 30min ago a NEW ACCOUNT MANAGER was assigned to me and the whole pitch started all over again about giving her more money in order to recover my losses The whole phone call through I told her that I was not interested unless I got my insured money back and she just did not listen to me so I had to very politely but firmly tel her I am not interested I have lost all my money that was meant for opening my Photo studio with bigoption and would advise ANYBODY remotely thinking of investing with bigoption to RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN. BigOption is a scam their broker Alex kept after me to deposit more money and whe n I said no, and told them I was thinking of withdrawing money my account was virtually wiped clean in less than two days after that they made 10 trades with an hours time all of them losing the amounts in the trades exceeded the maximum trade amount agreement I had with them by 2, 3, and 4 times the max set. I never saw a dime of profits never got any money back from them at all. Oh my gosh I have given all the documents they required to send my deposit back to my bank account But nothing like that has happened I can not lose that i thought it is 250 but then they took out 325 06 from my account Latter I found out that it 250 US dollar is 325 06 Aus dollar I was so stupid to do that at this time I want my money back NOW Why did i trust u Big Option Stupid decision. Hi Solette, Exactly what you have mentioned has happened to me, to the point that I was given to another account manager who gave me the same pitch, that my previous account manager Greg Lansky no longer was with the Co as he m ade bad trades I was contacted by another acc manager Mia Thomas also wanting me to invest more money to make up what I have lost Ha Ha REALLY I have lost a considerable amount of money the old adige applies here IF It SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE BE AWARE PEOPLE THEY NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO BOOK, WE NEED TO EXPOSE THEM ON ALL MEDIA PLATFORMS. tried this thing a few months ago lost all the 250 closed my account but still get harassing phone calls every few week or once a month demanding i reinvest Have asked for my number to be removed after the 3rd call but that never happened Starting to consider legal action for this. I started trading with BigOption because it is the broker assigned to me when I registered with Binadroid Auto Trader The Auto Trader lost all my deposits so I decided to switch it off and traded on my own I made profits on my own and my account now stands at GBP5006 75 However, when I attempted to make withdrawals, all my withdrawal requests were cancelled except for one amo unting to GBP1500 that is still pending. Please note that I did not accept any bonuses from them and my account was already verified because I have submitted all the required documents that were required under the Anti-Money Laundering Act. Can someone please help. Hi we most probably have talked in the past and I need to get something of my chest so please do not think I am having a go at you personally as it is Big Option and Infinity Options I am cranky about My account is 815141 Please do not answer but do show the content of this chat to your Boss I was not going to join but the advertising was coming and coming with different people making some amazing statements. So because there are so many kids in need especially here in country NSW Australia that I thought oh what if I invest US 250 that is about AU 345 and if they can do the trading for me and make me some money all 100 of it will go to help young people in trouble well I am down to my last 9 75 I actually got no help please mak e sure you tell Steven Gold and tell him HE IS USELESS and all the promises I was made amounted to exactly NOTHING so can you please shut the account and DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN That is all Good bye I hope you guys heard of Karma. Big Option Please wait Thank you Your message has been sent Our support team will contact you soon Connection lost Please check your internet connection and then try again Cookies are not enabled in your browser Please enable cookies before starting a chat Do you really want to close the chat cancel Big Option Hello Paul Agius How may I help you today Hi Hi we most probably have talked in the past and I need to get something of my chest so please do not think I am having a go at you personally as it is Big Option and Infinity Options I am cranky about My account is 815141 Please do not answer but do show the content of this chat to your Boss I was not going to join but the advertising was coming and coming with different people making some amazing statements. S o because there are so many kids in need especially here in country NSW Australia that I thought oh what if I invest US 250 that is about AU 345 and if they can do the trading for me and make me some money all 100 of it will go to help young people in trouble well I am down to my last 9 75 I actually got no help please make sure you tell Steven Gold and tell him HE IS USELESS and all the promises I was made amounted to exactly NOTHING so can you please shut the account and DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN That is all Good bye I hope you guys heard of Karma ReadDelivered How can I help you Paul my dedicated trader has left the building as he has not talked to me in weeks. I now do not have any funds to trade with and I am not going to deposit anymore as I do not want to loose anymore money. Your Organization should not take accounts if you guys do not take some responsibility for those accounts The robot might belong to Infinity but you would accept credit if I made some money so take responsibili ty if I lose some money I was told that the Robot was stopped from trading when my balance was US 202 75 and it traded FOUR trades and lost US 25 each makes that US 100 but the balance at the end was US 74 75 which means US 128 was deducted. Please do not ask Steven Gold to contact me as I aslo asked for a different trader as he was doing all he could which equals to 0 but I was never allocated a trader so the system needs an overhaul IT IS NOT WORKING Many thanks Paul Agius ReadDelivered Is there anything else I can help you with Paul Agius Well firstly why not get these problems out of the way ReadDelivered We have received several emails of yours and the Management that is going to handle this issue Paul Agius I have had many answers like that and I still am waiting for some action ReadDelivered Big Option 12 31 pm Paul Agius12 32 pm I just loaded a new program so I can access the accounts page and I still get the same page regardless which button I press Deposit History My portfolio ReadDelivered 12 33 pm I have run many different businesses and my moto was always answer a customer s question as soon as possible ReadDelivered None of my questions have produced any fruit ReadDelivered 12 34 pm I have to get back to work now so unless you have something constructive I will say farewell ReadDelivered. We have received several emails of yours and the Management that is going to handle this issue Paul Agius12 37 pm I am waiting so let us see what happens ReadDelivered thanks ReadDelivered Paul ReadDelivered. I made a deposit of 500 and I was given a 250 bonus which I completed the turnover of 7500 for it I then requested a withdrawal of 500 and i got my money back. The only problem is that they deducted the 250 bonus My question is shouldn t that bonus be mine since I completed the expected turnover I send a mail to my account manager 2 weeks ago and he still hasnt answered me. What I can tell you guys is don t trust the so call good traders as they all claim to be Do you r own homework and you ll start winning Its so funny that you wont hear from them until you decide to make a withdrawal, thats when they will start to tell you about how they generate good return for you if you invest certain amount again DONT FALL FOR THAT. I was invited by my contact in Singapore to deposit in this option Johnathan Copper called me later and explain there are hedge fund model which give 17 fixed monthly and trading model that can give up to 50 monthly Needless to say they will always push for higher deposits. I choose the trading model and Roger Wilson attended to me I tried with a 10k and got profits around 7k within a week, I also tested withdrawal of 1k and got the money to my credit card in 5 days So as usual again, they push for me to get an VIP account, I topup 40k to expect VIP results. I have a few major lost of more than 30k, the trader then top up using bonus stating VIP have security It continue to go down and I feel I should not trade with this brokerage any more. I wanted a withdrawal also because I need to settle my credit card bill, but they delayed and give me so many excuses Luckily I saw some comments online before saying the account manager will deliberate empty your account so I changed the password. Once they know I am going to withdraw, no support nor reply is given from them This is the worst binary option brokerage I came across and if anyone thinking of going in, think twice. Thanks for the article I have just finished my conversation with the account manager in a phone call From what i read just now, i can see that there was so much complaints about BigOption Luckily i made research first about this kind of binary options Thanks for the useful article and i can save my money from deposit into the account. I was amazed by your video I have filled your form and 10 mins after I have received a phone call of Marie Jeannot from France I tell her that I wanted to try the ATR and she ask me to deposit 1001 US in my account I do it by cr edit card Fifteen mins later I received a call of a french people Diego Costa He said me that for work with the ATR, I need to be gold member and to put 1500 in my account I do it immediately the 08 04 15 It was the last contact with Diego Costa One hour after I received a call of Lindsey Taylor, she want that I add 2500 more to trade big events and I can have a bonus I refused and ask to talk to a french people, prefer with Diego No answer from Diego It was not Diego who call me but Daniel Buckley English man who can speak french, we were the 10th april But for him, he is not trading with 5 but 50 000 , and I can make in a few months 10 000 month. I have send it 5000 by credit card and 15 000 by a loan I made to the bank In april my credit card was at the limit 14,000 Can and he was supposed to witdraw this amount to pay off credit card I have loan the amound from a friend He made dozens of promises he never kept He was calling me 3-4 times day. In August I write to the support Next I d on t wanted to have Daniel Buckley as manager, I don t need this kind of people This individual is a person who loves handled, laugh at others, in short, use all means to achieve his terms I just wanted to invest for the robot He took it all means to me that I indebted and make me invest US 50,000 Then after, no more news for 3 weeks He could call me up to 3-4 times a day for more and more money I call it harassment And I have no contol on my account I am VIP now I never want that You will find in option all conversation between him and me on Skype Find somebody to translate it Look on the trades that he is doing he makes all in 3 minuts and after that he forgets you 18,000 on EUR USD I have had 8000 US in July , 14 000 on Bank of America, 8,000 on AUD USD, 8000 on USD JPY, 6 000 US on Facebook and 5800 on eBay, a child of 7 years old can do the same This man is dangerous for trading I WANT 100 OF CONTROL ON MY ACCOUNT AND BE SURE THAT I WILL NEVER REINVEST WITH YOU Daniel make me a lo t of promises, but the looser was me. At the end of the month my balance was of 43 000 that I want to withdraw He call me, tell me that he was outside and he give me 6000 of withdrawal The rest of the money he place it in trade at long term. After that I have passed one other month without news, send messages by chat but no messages At the end of september my balance was of 42 100 and I asked a withdrawal The first day of october I have received a call from Peter Thompson I asked him to trade with the ATR but he refused, he has cancelled my withdrawal and give me 5000 on my credit card The next day he was loosing 5000 on the gold in less than 24 hours see file gold I was furious, try to call him, no answer. I have been all the month of october without news on Skype, no call, nothing At the end of october my balance was of 58 575 US I have asked a withdrawal of 30 000 US, On the 2th november he call me and tell me he can do better and don t withdraw the 30 000 , I made arrangement with him that he can trade with 50 000 and I can withdraw 8575 US Two days later, he has changed the password I can not have access to the site because I never received it in my e-mail cancel the 2 withdrawals and begin to trade with the ladder at 15 20, until 16 09 ans have lost 42 trades of 500 After he has gone to Binary Option, next that he has made 19 trades of 2000 each and sold 16 of them 6 5 hrs before the end of the trades , not because it was dangerous but because they were all finished at 23 00 7hours after and he can t have the control on them For finish he come back to the ladder at 16 35 to finish to lost 5 trades from 500-1000 and the last one 100 until my balance was at 58 65 How can you explain than a senior trader can lost 70 trades of 500-2000 US and he lost 58 500 in 50 minuts. I have withdrawal 16 000 50 000 My new balance is 58 , I have 6 trades finishing 23th dec, but only one will be good Conclusion If you want to loose your money, trade with bigoption. I have read every complaint on this blog relating to trading with Bigoption There is clearly a consistent pattern to their scam of using investors money without authorisation and refusing to co-0perate with any withdrawal requests My question is this has anyone tried to sue for return of their money If yes, could someone share the best way of going about this, as I am about to consult a lawyer to try and regain some of my money from them Please let me know your experience.

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